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winter blues

I find myself feeling a bit of the winter blues right about now, it seems that it is always either so far below zero that the thermometor has givin up or its snowing and it is always windy!

originally we were gonna head out on the ice today and once again try to catch some fish, (I'm dying to catch something using the ifish pro) but my friend remembered that he had a previous engagement, ( either that or hes tired of hanging out with me and making up excuses) either way my plans changed and I decided I was gonna head up to Brainerd MN today to check out the motorcycle life expo but when I walked out the garage door and found that it was snowing I changed my mind, Im just so tired of it this year.

Anyways I'll stop whinning for the time being, I think we need to focus on something else, something perhapse warmer?

What do you do to fight the winter blues?

Ice fishing?

wrench on your motorcycle?

plan bike trips for the coming season?

Id like to know so leave your comments down below.

thanks for checking in today we'll catch you next time.

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