Polaris announces they will Kill off the Victory line of motorcycles
Today Polaris announced that in the next 18 months they will begin ceasing production of the Victory motorcycle line. In this video I'm...

Time Lapse video LED install on my Harley Davidson
Originally this video was meant to be an in depth tutorial on LED accent lighting installation but I didn't have the mic set up right so...

Changes I made to my 2016 Harley Davidson FLTRU Road Glide Ultra
9 Changes I've made made to my 2016 FLTRU Harley Davidson Road Glide Ultra:
Highway Pegs
Rush Slip-on exhaust
HD fairing po

Do you offer the best food in the Midwest?
Part of my original vision for Touringmidwest.com was to highlight the Midwest and everything that makes it great and let's face it food...

What don't I care for about my 2016 Road Glide Ultra?
In this video I'll share 4 things that I do not care for about my 2016 Harley Davidson Road Glide Ultra!

What do I like about my 2016 Harley Davidson Road Glide Ultra?
I thought it would be good to offer an update on what I like about my road glide ultra, so in this video I'll share 5 of the features...
Norsland Lefse in Rushford Minnesota
Norsland Lefse
The future of Touringmidwest.com
The future of Touring Midwest

GoPro announced their new action camera and accessories.
I found it very difficult to focus on anything else yesterday after hearing and seeing the announcement from GoPro about the new Hero 5...

Touring Midwest T-shirts
I recently ran a small campaign through tee Spring for some TM logo t shirts. I feel like they turned out alright. If I get enough...